Monthly Archives: May 2009

Beef Burritos


In my home we call this Chile Verde Burritos because my mom found the recipe in the Bakersfield Californian (the big city newspaper in my small town) and that is what it was called. I later found out that true Chile Verde is made with pork and has no tomatoes, only green tomatillo sauce. This is similar to Chile Colorado (which is beef with tomatoes) but it doesn’t really have a red sauce in the same way. So, I’m calling it Beef Burritos.  Click through for the full recipe. Read the rest of this entry

Jim Henderson Video Clip Discussion

I sent this video clip to friends on facebook and asked them to respond. Little did I know that by creating a group the way I did, every time someone responded those who get notifcations on their cell phones were driven ‘crazy’ by the constant buzzing at work (not to name names but a certain darling daughter was irritated:)
So I cut and pasted the comments here where they died as I suspected. Not that we needed any more comments or discussion but it was fun while it lasted. If you are interested in the subject, watch the video and comment. Thanks, tj actually, I just tried to watch the video and it has been removed:/
To see the facebook responses click ‘more’….