Category Archives: Seasonal Party Menus

Aunt Clara’s (Secret) Blueberry (Cream Cheese) Pie Recipe


My Aunt Clara (God rest her soul) was the type of good cook that might occasionally leave out an ingredient or step so that yours didn’t turn out as good as hers. Or so I’ve been told. Anyway, my parents had this pie while visiting my aunt once and this is the recipe she shared. I have never tried the pie or the recipe but it does sound good and I searched and could not find the exact recipe online…so maybe it really is ‘secret’…or was until today.

Bake and cool a regular flour and shortening pie crust.

4 oz white chocolate, finely grated

1 8 oz package of cream cheese at room temperature

1.2 cup sour cream

Mix together with a mixer until it is well blended and smooth. Set aside.

3 cups fresh, washed blueberries

1 1/4 cup sugar (or to taste)

1 T. lemon juice

1/4 cup cornstarch

1 T. butter

Combine sugar and cornstarch well, sprinkle over blueberries and mix gently, then mix in lemon juice. Cook in saucepan over medium heat, gently stirring occasionally, until thickened. Add the butter, mix and let cool.

Pour cream cheese mixture into cooled pie shell. Then pour the cooled blueberry mixture over the top. Cover with wax paper touching the surface and refrigerate 4-5 hours or overnight. To serve roll a half cup of fresh blueberries in powdered sugar and use as a garnish.


Vintage Seventeen Magazine – Now You’re Cooking: “It’s A Bloomin’ Party”

Vintage Seventeen Magazine – Now You’re Cooking: “It’s A Bloomin’ Party”

I’m in the process of throwing away as much paper as I can, trying to simplify and minimize. While going through old recipes I had cut out of magazines through the years, I ran across this one. The memories flooded in and I didn’t want to throw it away. But I’ve decided I will find as many old recipes online as I can, and save the links instead of saving the paper or typing every detail into my computer. I searched for this set of instructions and found there are many other people interested in vintage recipes and quite a following for the ‘Now You’re Cooking’ section of Seventeen Magazine but very few photos and instructions saved and available online. Then I found this blog post and decided it was time for me to share my few treasured recipes from the beginning of my cooking/baking days. I hope you enjoy the walk down memory lane with me.


Seventeen Magazine “Now You’re Cooking” Mother’s Day Flower Party article May 1979

I used this party planning article to host a Mother’s Day brunch for my Mom and my two Grandmothers some time shortly after the article came out in 1979. It was one of the first times I planned and executed a special meal all on my own. I was probably 19 years old and still living at home at the time. (I’ll try to find the photos of my family enjoying that day in a future post…don’t have access to the photos at this time.)

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